

dab rig

One of the biggest trends in cannabis right now is dabs. Smearing is an efficient way to vaporize and consume various cannabis concentrates and requires a special device called a dab rig.
Making a homemade rig can be a fun project or a way to consume concentrate without spending a lot of money. Below, we’ll go over some basics of dabbing and explain how to make a homemade dab rig and how to convert a bong into a dab rig.
The rig is used to vaporize cannabis concentrates and may be referred to by other names such as oil rigs or concentration pipes. Dab kits are similar to bongs in some respects but differ in others, and can be seen as an extension of bongs designed for concentrates.
Unlike bowls that use hemp flowers, tap rigs require glass, quartz, ceramic, titanium pins or bracelets, a platform on which the concentrate is placed. Before applying the concentrate, use a butane torch to heat your nails and use a thin tool called a dab to apply the concentrate to your nails.
Unlike the bong, the first modern version of the dab rig debuted as recently as the early 2000s. Although relatively new to the world of cannabis, rigs have become a much-loved cultural staple and come in just as many shapes, sizes, designs and qualities as bongs. While some dab rigs and bongs may look the same, the rig’s physics often hint at what it’s optimized for.
Dab rigs tend to be more compact than bongs because the smaller chamber allows steam to enter the lungs faster and there is less drag, which helps improve flavor. Another distinguishing feature is that bongs typically use 10–14 mm female connectors, while most bongs use 14–18 mm male connectors.
Dab rigs also tend to be 90 degree angles while bongs are 45 degree angles further distinguishing them from each other.
Like bongs, faucet rigs come in a variety of prices and styles, from the simplest to the most gorgeous an artist can make.
For the same reasons you might want to make a homemade bong, you can also try a homemade dab rig. First, dab rigs and their associated concentrates tend to have higher upfront costs than regular pipe and color combinations, so making them at home can also be a cost-saving measure.
Another reason to make a homemade bong may be that there are no other options. If your rig just broke, got lost, or you don’t have access to any other hardware, a DIY rig may be a viable but temporary solution. Like homemade bongs, homemade dabs don’t last long because smoking materials like plastic and some metals can cause long-term health effects.
But life is too short not to try. While this shouldn’t be an everyday item, it’s still fun to break up the monotonous routine and create a DIY set of brushstrokes from household items.
A popular way to make a DIY tap is to use a stone jar. Like other DIY bongs in construction, the Mason jar dab rig was an interesting experiment that resulted in a unique and interesting device.
You will need a glass jar with a lid, a drill, a bent straw, a plastic handle (empty), a titanium light rod, aluminum foil, and a butane flashlight.
Make sure they are aligned and about the same size so that the foil-covered handles fit snugly together.
Secure the straw tightly with aluminum foil to prevent air from escaping. This will be where you will inhale, so a snug fit is the key to a good hit. If you have a glue gun, you can also use it to seal any holes.
Not too much or you’ll inhale water, and not too little or you’ll get a very harsh and dry hit. Enough water to cover the bottom of the sole.
While most homemade smoking accessories are quite fragile and generally disposable, glass jars can be reused with proper cleaning and maintenance if fitted with the right glass (rather than plastic and titanium parts). And nothing beats a glass unit designed specifically for swabs.
If you are missing a suitable dab rig but have spare bongs, you can convert the bongs to a dab rig if you wish. To convert a bong to a dub rig, you need to do a few things first:
While not intended for this purpose, converting a bong is probably the most economical and healthiest way to make a DIY dab rig. Not to mention, with the right adapters and pins, you are effectively getting two devices from one.
However, the Tap Rig is specifically designed to make the recording experience enjoyable. If you take a dab from a bong and a flower from a rig, you will still enjoy it, but the experience will be much more than expected and probably less enjoyable than with the right equipment. It is recommended to use separate dedicated tubes for colors and concentrates.
If you’re missing a proper swab setup, you probably have a lot of components for these homemade devices.
Creativity is encouraged when making new parts and pipes, but careful handling of materials is also important, as long-term use of these homemade devices can lead to potential health risks. In addition to the potential risks, the benefits include cost savings, convenience, and the attractiveness of smoking handmade products. All in all, a homemade dub rig is an interesting option if you lack the necessary resources or if you just want to change things up and try tapping in a different way. Whatever you choose, combine it with a high quality concentrate and you will have an interesting project and new experience.
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Post time: Nov-11-2022

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